
A responsive navigation header that includes support for branding, navigation, forms and more.

Here’s an example of the basic components included in a <INavbar> that automatically collapses responsively.

Color Variants

Inkline includes two predefined navbar styles. You can set the style of a <INavbar> using the variant property, which can have a value of light or dark. By default, modals use the light variant.

Size Variants

You're able to use the size modifier to control the size of your navbar, using one of the available sizes: sm, md, and lg. The default size is set to md.

You can use an <IDropdown> component inside the <INav> component to create a contextual navbar menu. Learn more about the Dropdown component.

You can position the <INav> component to the start, end, or center of the <INavbarCollapsible> component using flexbox utilities. Learn more about the Nav component.

You can control at which breakpoint your navbar will collapse at using the collapse property. By default, the navbar will collapse on the md screen size, but you can use any breakpoint value.

Always Collapsible

Besides the breakpoint values, you can use a boolean value to set your navbar to be always collapsible, or never collapsible.

Setting a collapse value of true will set the navbar to be always collapsible.

Never Collapsible

Setting a collapse value of false will set the navbar to never be collapsible.

Manual Collapse

Sometimes, it's necessary to control whether the collapsed Navbar is open or not programmatically. Fort that, you can use the v-model directive.

Linking and Routing

Nav items will be automatically converted to link anchors <a> when providing a href property. You can also specify target and rel properties.

The <INavItem> component is well integrated with the Vue Router plugin and will be converted to a <RouterLink> when using the to property. Learn more about the Nav Item component.

Active State

You can control the active state of your <INavItem> using the active property. When you provide a to property you're converting the component into a router-link, therefore you can use the active-class and exact-active-class properties and set them to -active. Learn more about the Nav Item component.







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